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Investing in Bishop England's Future

Fundraising campaign for a state of the art multipurpose state-of-the-art sports turf complex. The multi purpose turf complex is a generational investment that will have a profound impact on the B.E. mission of developing young men & women of strong faith and character to lead our communities in the years to come.
  • 30% larger than the size of a normal field
  • Multiple teams can practice at the same time with all the extra space
  • No more cancelled games or practices due to weather

BE Inspired. BE Great. Be Humble.



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Why a Turf Field

A turf field complex offers significant advantages over traditional grass fields. It provides a safe, all-weather surface that can be used year-round, regardless of weather conditions. This means fewer cancellations and rescheduling of games and practices due to rain or inclement weather, ensuring our athletes have consistent access to training and competition. Moreover, the durability of turf reduces maintenance costs in the long run compared to natural grass, making it a sustainable investment for the school.

The benefits of a turf field extend beyond athletics. Our physical education classes will have a top-notch facility to use, promoting healthier lifestyles among students. Additionally, the turf field can be utilized for other school events and activities, such as outdoor performances, community gatherings, and even academic events like science fairs or outdoor classes. This multi-purpose use not only enhances the student experience but also strengthens our ties with the broader community.

3D Renderings


Investing in the overall well-being and success of our students

Investing in a turf field complex is not just about upgrading our sports facilities; it's about investing in the overall well-being and success of our students. By providing a modern, versatile space that encourages physical activity, teamwork, and school spirit, we can create a more vibrant and engaging school environment. I urge you to consider this proposal as a vital step towards enriching our school's offerings and ensuring a brighter future for our students. 

Get Involved & Donate

A turf field complex would greatly benefit our sports teams, physical education programs, and even academic activities. This initiative will not only elevate the quality of our athletic programs but also foster school spirit and pride.

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